Race, race, baby...
Hi swimmers, as we head into spring we need to spring into a more competitive frame mind.
So with that in mind please speak to Laura and Andrew about competitions and events, check out the comp calendar on the website and see what competitions are coming up! We are targeting 4 major competitions this year as well as a number of smaller ones and remember the more swimmers we get to an event the more fun everyone will have!
Pool competitions:
Paris TIP - 2 to 4 June, Paris
Middlesex County Championchip - July (date TBC), Barnet
GLLAM2017 - 9 Sep, London Aquatic Centre
Short Course Masters Nationals - 27 Oct, Sheffield
Open Water events:
Bantham Swoosh - 24 June
National Open Water Championship - July
Swim Serpentine - 16/17 September
if you want to compete and you are not sure of your times please speak to any one of the coaches.
There are of course many more events that you can enter but speak to our team captains - Laura and Andrew.
With all of these in mind you will start to notice a little shift in training as we should now start to swim more number 1 stroke; more emphasis on speed, but ensuring we keep a good endurance base.
Make sure you attend different nights of the week so you get a good all round work out of all the different energy systems.
Lastly, some of you have been asking why we do not put up what the session will be each night. As mentioned previously - we do not do this because everyone knows when there's a kick set publiched, people don't show up to training!
Please refer back to a previous blog where I have given an over view of which energy systems will be worked on which nights.
Thats all for now so just keep swimming!
Michelle Weltman
Head Coach