Out To Swim

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Endurace phase

Hi, swimmers as we are now well into the cycle of endurance work and doing lots of long sets I wanted to remind you all of a few things as we head into February:

This is the final micro cycle of the endurance phase of our work, so still more endurance work to do but you will notice that the coaches will start to introduce a bit more mixed strokes and No. 1 stroke work. Please note when we say No. 1,  we mean non-free (not frontcrawl) , so no swimmer should be swimming free when asked to do NO 1! You will also notice a small increase in sprint/ hard sets.

Getting technique right
During the month of Feb, we will focus on getting your technique right, the feel of the water and try and take on board what the coaches are telling you. This is important as we head into March and we start a new cycle which will last for 12 weeks then this will lead to our final cycle leading to the Gay Games in August.

Enter competitions
Please try and enter competitions, if you are not sure which ones to do or which events to do speak to your captains Andrew or Laura, who will advise you what competitions to enter.
Also, remember to bring fins and paddles to training but don’t assume you can just put them on. Always check with the coach if you can use them. Never wear them in warm up and if you are the only one wearing them in the lane you may be asked to move up a lane, please do so if asked. 

Any question please feel free to speak to any of the coaches if you have any concerns or questions.

Head Coach