FAQ - Brighton
Q. Do I need to tumble turn or dive?
This is not required to join or needed on an ongoing basis unless you want to compete, but we can help with this.
Q. Do I have to wear traditional swimwear (e.g. speedos or a swimming costume?
Our members are a diverse range of people, body types etc and therefore, we operate a “wear what you want” approach. Please wear the swimming costume you feel most comfortable in. If you would like to wear a T-shirt that's fine, but we would recommend a “rash vest”, we can help with this.
Q. Do I need any equipment?
Just a pair of goggles. If you have them please bring a Pull buoy, Kickboard, fins, nose clip and hand paddles. These can be purchased at a later date if needed, we can help you with this.
We would also like to encourage you to wear a swim hat and to bring some shoes (ie flip flops) that you keep just for the poolside.
Q. What happens if I can't do the set or certain strokes (Butterfly, backstroke etc)?
We try to do a mix of strokes but you don’t need to do certain strokes. We can suggest alternatives. We would like to emphasise this for new joiners. The minimum requirement to join is to be able to swim at 100m Front crawl and 50m Backstroke without stopping.
Q. I am trans or non-binary, can I join?
Of course, you are very welcome. All OTS sessions are open to those who identify as trans or non-binary. We do not have separate gender training or lanes. We swim inclusive and non-gender specific. The Prince Regent, King Alfred and Sealanes have mixed private cubicle changing, and Surrendean has single-sex open plan changing rooms. Details can be found here. More information can be found on our club’s diversity and inclusion pages.
While our sessions are coached, our London branch also offers a twice-monthly Transgender And Gender non-conforming Swimming group at the Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre London. More information can be found here. There is also Trans-friendly Swimming at St- Lukes pool in Brighton, more information can be found here.
Q. What is the ratio of women to men?
Q. What is the rough idea of the distances normally swum in a session?
Depending on the ability we swim anything between 1.2km (about 50 lengths) and 3km+ (120 lengths) per 1-hour session. But there is no pressure to complete the full set, to begin with. During our mid-week sessions (Monday and Thursday) we operate 2 lanes, in our Saturday session, we operate 6 lanes. The lanes are arranged depending on speed and ability, so you will always be swimming with those of a similar speed. Before coming along please make sure you read our lane etiquette guidelines and our glossary of swimming terms. New members will only be able to swim on Saturdays until more pool time is available.
Q. What are the changing facilities and locker situation?
The Prince Regent, King Alfred and Sea Lanes have mixed private cubicle changing. Surrendean and Saltdean have single-sex changing rooms. £1 (refundable) is needed for the King Alfred. Surrdean bags are left poolside. Sea Lanes and Prince Regent need BYO padlock. We also have the use of the single-sex gym changing rooms if needed, more info can be found here.
Q. Do the “Positive Strokes” swimming sessions (swimming club for HIV-positive people) operate in Brighton or Hove?
Positive Strokes is a separate organisation run by the YMCA in London only, details for these sessions can be found here. However, you are very welcome to join us at our main OTSBH sessions in Brighton.
Q. I am a student or limited means and unsure about the cost of membership
Out To Swim is a charity that offers a bursary scheme to all members. We offer a number of generous scholarships and bursaries to help those who might otherwise struggle to attend training or competitions. Support can come in many forms, from reduced fees to supported travel costs.
More details on the support available can be found here.
Q. Are you more of a sports club or social club?
While we have members that compete, the strength of the club that shines through is how friendly it is.
Q. Are you planning any morning swims
Morning swimming is one of the most popular times for public swimming, so it’s hard to get lanes available to book. The same is true for evening swimming mid-week 5 -7 pm.
Q. I am not LGBTQ+ but I am an ally can I join
Out To Swim is an inclusive aquatic club and welcomes everyone who wants to participate. We have a number of ally members some of which have joined as they are friends, family or parents of LGBTQ+.
Q. Do you have any posters I can display
Please find a copy of our poster you can download (pdf). Please print and distribute as needed.