Open Water Swimming
As part of our Out To Swim community, we welcome complete “open water” beginners as well as plenty of open water swimming enthusiasts including long distance eventers, triathletes, and even English Channel swimmers.
Most of us fall in love with open water because we can plunge into chlorine-free water and enjoy the open expanse, breeze on our face and revel in swims with ducks, past scenic dropbacks and hopefully the sun on our backs!
We have some hardcore swimmers who shun wetsuits and swim in 'skins' (swimsuit only) all year round but our goal is to help everyone of all abilities to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of open water swimming together as a community. Alongside the wonderful treats and snacks as a reward after chilly or long-distance swims!
We also take part in many events all year round in rivers, the sea, and lidos. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with the Open Water Reps via our email
Swimming Sessions:
Out to Swim London has a regular Open Water Swimming session on Sunday mornings at West Reservoir at 11:00 (Spring to Autumn)
There is also an indoor long-distance focussed session on Tuesday evenings at The Castle Centre at 20:00 (all year round).
Out to Swim Brighton offers during the summer months coached sea swimming in the seas of Brighton & Hove. The course covers subjects such as sighting, feeding, pack swimming, drafting and kick rhythm. Further sessions are planned to include distance and cold-water swimming.
Open Water swimming venues around London, Brighton and Bristol:
Open Water Swimming events available to participate in:
Other useful information:
RNLI Open Water Swimming safety guidance -
Swim England Open Water -
NOWCA Open Water venues -
UK Tidal Predictions -
Sewage overspill alerts -