First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Competition Name
Competition Hosting Club
How much are you applying for to cover registration / participate fee
How much are you applying for to cover travel expenses
How much are you applying for to cover accommodations expenses
Please detail any other requested support
Applicants should explore low cost options such as hosted housing and bus travel where possible. Please indicate the exchange rate that you have assumed in your sterling figures.
Total amount for this competition (registration + travel + accommodation)
Have you applied for any other funding? If so, please give details to whom the application has been made, the amount sought and whether or not your application has been approved. If a decision about this additional funding has not yet been made then please state when the decision will be made. You must notify us if an additional award has been granted, in which case we may decide to reduce our grant to you.
Applicant Essay
Please write several sentences addressing each of the questions below. Your responses should be no more than 200 words in total.
(a) In what way will you be participating in this competition? (swimmers please list intended events)
(b) Why would you like to participate in this competition?
(c) What factors influenced your decision to participate in this particular competition?
(d) How do you think participating in this competition will affect you?
Please note that scholarships for all or some of the money requested will be approved based on the information provided in the application, but no funds will be released without proof that the recipient has registered for the competition in question and has paid or will pay the registration fee. You do not have to register for the competition before submitting this application. The OTS Trustees will determine the amount of each scholarship based on the information provided and the available funds for this purpose. We encourage you to explore low cost housing arrangements, such as hosted housing and shared accommodations, and economical travel, such as car pooling, cheap flights, or bus travel. By submitting this request, you certify that all information in it is true to the best of your knowledge and that you agree to the terms of the Application Guidance Note. You agree to use the funds granted for the purpose specified and understand that not doing so risks rescinding of the award.
I certify that all information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge and that I agree to the terms of the Application Guidance Note. I agree to use the funds granted for the purpose specified and understand that not doing so risks rescinding of the award.