Aquatics for All

Changes to Isolation for fully vaccinated individuals: 

Added on by Andrew Morris.

Following changes to the law on Monday 16th August members who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive Covid-19 case.

For our members, this means if you are identified as a close contact, by either Track and Trace or Out To Swim, you may return to training without isolation provided you can provide proof to the coach at your session that you:

  1. Have received both Covid-19 vaccinations shots or hold a medical exemption AND

  2. Have received a negative PCR result following your notification.

A free PCR test can be done either at a test site near you or it can be ordered online or by calling 119.

If you are identified as a close contact by Track & Trace you must inform the club if you have attended a session or event within 48 hours of your notification.

There are no changes to anyone who tests positive – you are legally required to self-isolate for 10 days or from the day your symptoms started, regardless of your vaccination status. You must inform the club you have tested positive if you have attended a session or event within 48 hours of your positive result.

Notification of positive tests and isolation should be sent to both headcoach at and hello at