Ten Orcas crossed the channel last weekend for this years Tournoi International - including eight fresh faced newbies from the January intake! Despite us having full confidence in winning the tournament in a team of 80% beginners, to show solidarity with our European friends we agreed to divide across teams from our fabulous and gracious hosts Paris Outsiders and Aquatique.
Many games were played, shots taken and goals scored by your teammates hungry to impress their new petite amis and not appear fatigué, the technical details of which your correspondent is not in a position to recall following the traditional post tournament champagne celebration - which the learned members present ensured those new to international gay waterpolo were introduced to (and something the shower bar some attended a previous night was missing, it could be said).
At the end of a hard day of diplomacy in and out the water, and many compliments on how well our new members were playing, le Petit Sirenes claimed the crown in great part due to the valour of our own *Claudio and Harriet!* As we all learned being shouted at in French and not understanding at all is a great way to win at water polo.