Despite the 13-3 final score, Matchday 4 proved to be an entertaining and closely contested game, particularly in the first half.
The Gooseys found goals with multiple players including Fesey (5), Lucy M (3), James H (2), Freddie (1), Charlotte (1).
The Sirens displayed a commendable defence making the first half of the match a very low scoring game, but as fatigue kicked in, the Gooseys just seemed to have a little more fuel.
Captain Redshaw netted 2 beautiful goals for them and Chris found a first-post dunk-in on a counter.
Special thanks to all our table volunteers and refs for ensuring smooth and professional match operations.
It’s back-to-back matches this week, so don’t forget Thursday’s fixtures: *The Pits v Pit-A-Bred* and *Deadly Sirens v Mikasa Es Tu Kasa*.